Tuesday, July 3, 2012

L.A. Girls - Magnetic Polish is AWESOME!

L.A. Girl Magnetic nail polish in

 I accidentally spotted these at Rite Aid last week. They were stuffed way on the bottom shelf where no one could see them unless you were really looking.
 It's a shame, because these are amazing! $3.99! The color choices are pretty extensive. The magnet choices are varied.

The magnets are hidden in the top of the cap and pop right out. My *only* complaint is that the magnet doesn't have a finger guard, so it's really easy to accidentally touch the magnet to the nail.
 Otherwise, these are great. The color is incredibly smooth and pigmented.  These came out more silvery purple in the pictures but it's actually a nice rich purple color. The magnet works great. The star on my ring finger is actually from a different polish.
 If you can find these at your local Rite Aid, definitely snap one up!


  1. This looks great. I like that you used different magnets for one mani.

    I can't wait to see the display. Thanks for posting!

  2. I really should have taken a picture of the display!

  3. I tried this but didnt work as well. must have been the brand of polish, yours looks great!
