I know I've been slacking lately. I've still been taking photos, just been too lazy to put them up.
But, here's what I've been up to:

Orly, Cashmere Cardigan
Loved this! Very shiny. Pretty lavender/periwinkle type color.
It chipped a little quicker than I would have liked, but I still loved it.

This was Misa "On the Edge" with LA Girl Flare Platninum Record over it. It was a lot prettier in person than I could capture on film. I promise. It also wore insanely well AND was a breeze to remove. Pretty crazy!

Before the glitter. Really cool blue color. Unfortunately, I only got an indoor shot.

And then there was China Glaze - Wagon Trail. A really gorgeous deep-olive greenish color. Unfortunately, I broke/chipped one of my nails down really low while wearing this and had to chop them all down. Boo.