On Tuesday the 22
nd I couldn't sleep, so I was up at 5:00 a.m. surfing around. I discovered that the
BB Couture site was having a secret sale and thought I would finally get Dark Knight and I wanted to order Dragon's Breath for my niece. Turns out the sale was B1G1 of the same, so some for me, some for giving. Except, it was the Tuesday before Christmas, NO WAY was I going to get that package until after Christmas, right?
Nope. Only a few hours after
ordering I got an e-mail from customer service letting me know, my package had been shipped out and should be here by Thursday! By Thursday afternoon I had these little beauties in my hands and didn't have to give out any
IOU's for Christmas! I had ordered from the "other" site that sells BB Couture before and the experience wasn't all that good. It almost permanently turned me off from the brand. It was really nice since they were in the middle of a big sale. Unlike another brand who shall remain nameless I ordered from in the midst of a big sale who sent out a snippy CS message when I asked where my order was. Anyway, onto the swatches, shall we...
Dragon's Breath is so pretty, I am glad I had an extra bottle to keep for me!
It's a pinkish/magenta/purple
with all this awesome glitter in it. It has a jelly-like finish that isn't gritty or lumpy at all. This is 3 coats.
Oh, and I bought a matte top coat the other day, so here are two nails with that. Didn't love this. Dragon's Breath deserves to shine!
Blind Love is gorgeous gold goodness!
The finish is smooth and satiny rather than foil like.

I also had my eye on
some of the BB Couture for Men colors because they look really awesome.
Grenade is a gorgeous olive green with golden shimmer.

This is way too pretty for boys!
My husband gave me permission to give him a pedicure with this one.
Shhh...I'm not supposed to tell anyone though!
I really liked this one, can you tell from all the pictures I took?
Grenade against my husband's
camo tarp.
Let's move on to "Wire Stripper" the other "men's" polish I got. This is also AWESOME.

Super close-up of "Wire Stripper"
Look at the golden shimmer in this one, much too pretty for boy nails!
It's nice for guys who are into such things to have more options than just black nail polish though. And, it says "for men" right on the bottle!

As I was
swatching these, I started to think that Wire Stripper looked an awful lot like Dark Knight and it also reminded me of
Barielle's Misbehaving Mistress, so I put them all together to compare...
And on the fingers:

You can kind of tell that
WS is more brown/coppery than
DK which is more glad with golden shimmer. MM doesn't have the same golden glow or shimmer that
WS has, it's more silvery.
Here they are side by side again:
Dark Knight is the reason I decided to give BB Couture another try after my initial disappointment with the other site's customer service. You can see why, isn't it
Very worth it. It glided on like butter and took two coats to be opaque.
Dark Knight - outside sun
Phew! That was a lot of
swatching! Hope you enjoyed it as much as I did!